Thanks for the input everyone. The keyboard input will control jmol/jsmol
but also do other things, but I do like using arrow keys to rotate the
structure, for example. Other features can be added later to allow jmol to
more easily *modify* rather than merely view structures. It's hard to
imagine these features without a fuller keyboard interface (features
similar to the structure-editing capabilities of avogadro or materials

The javascript version already works perfectly, as keyed events are
captured by the website (even if jsmol previously has focus) and I'm just
using javascript to do whatever I want to do (including interacting with
jsmol via JmolScript calls).

For the java version, the best I've been able to do is: use a function
which restores focus to the website (so they keyboard commands aren't
trapped by jmol) whenever 1) a script is executed by jmol using
ScriptCallback or 2) the users mouse leaves the jmol div (using a standard
mouseout event in the DOM). This means the user doesn't have to "click" off
of jmol to restore focus and re-enable the keyboard interactions. It
doesn't help if the user, for example, uses the mouse to rotate the
structure and leaves the mouse on jmol the entire time. In that instance,
jmolnever loses focus and so the keyboard events aren't passed to the

I could use the callbacks more aggressively, for example by using
pickcallback and hovercallback -- but those are uncommon cases -- what I
really need is something more encompassing like a "MouseUpCallback" so that
any time the clicks on jmol I can redirect focus back to the website.
Unfortunately, that callback doesn't exist in the jmol scripting

It's hard to know how much any of us should invest in these java-specific
issues given the aggressive nature of browsers toward javascript -- but my
website really serves my research group, not the general public, and there
I can certainly get the users to install Waterfox+JAVA.


On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 2:43 PM, Robert Hanson <> wrote:

> (sorry, I missed that nuance)
> ​
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