Thanks to Dr. Bob Hanson and Dr. Angel Herráez for their very helpful advice 
about this.

The problem was that, on a page displaying MOs for teaching purposes, I was 
offering both a  translucent orbital
surface, produced using the mo command, and a two-dimensional contour plot on a 
plane through the orbital,
produced using the isosurface command.

It was the isosurface command which was taking most of the time.  Thus, for the 
pi_nb_in_plane HOMO orbital
(mo 16) of BF3 in
Chrome using the HMTL5.0 JSmol option took 5 seconds to produce the 3D orbital 
surface but
16 seconds to produce the 2D line contour plot.  (This speeds up to 3 s and 10 
s respectively on the
more powerful PCs our U provides for student class use.)

I took the suggestion of calculating the surface immediately after loading the 
model, but waiting for the student
to request the contour plot by clicking a Jmol button.

I also took the suggestion to put in echoes to tell the user what they were 
waiting for in each case.

Although the two representations are each calculated in less than 2 seconds 
using the Java Jmol option in
Java enhanced IE11, I think that, for students stuck with using a browser 
without Java, then a 3 - 5 second
initial wait is tolerable if they are given information about what is 
happening.   The original offering of
a 13 - 21 second unexplained wait was putting such students off.


(original post 20 March 2017)

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