Many thanks, Bob!

Wonderful news! I am waiting for the availability of the release to imrpove my page on chirality and to prepare also a page to introduce all the steps needed to assign E/Z configurations.



Il 20/04/2017 06:28, Robert Hanson ha scritto:
Jmol.___JmolVersion="14.14.1" // released 4/19/17

new feature: CALCULATE CHIRALITY {atom set}
  -- starts with basic CIP Rule 1-2 determination of R/S and E/Z.
  -- continues with Rules 3-5, which require full-molecule analysis.
  -- work in progress:
     -- Rules 1 and 2 complete
     -- Rule 3 (E/Z) implemented
     -- Rule 4 partially implemented
        -- simple linear sequences of R/S ok
     -- Rule 5 not implemented
  -- caveates
     -- no pseudochirality
     -- not cyclitols
     -- does not distinguish rings, so inserts "Z" into ring bonds
     -- only validated on

-- optionally limited to the given atom set (or the currently selected atoms by default)

new feature: set jmolInJSpecView
-- allows Jmol window to NOT be embedded in JSpecView when JSpecView is opened in Jmol
  -- default TRUE

new feature: WRITE ISOSURFACE "t.pmesh"; WRITE ISOSURFACE "t.pmb"
-- creates ASCII (.pmesh) or binary (.pmb) file (a Jmol-specific file format)
  -- relatively compact format
  -- can speed up loading of meshes and contours
  -- for filled surfaces, use .jvxl instead
  -- read back into Jmol using ISOSURFACE "t.pmesh"/"t.pmb"
-- note that binary files are NOT RECOMMENDED for JSmol because some platforms cannot read them locally
  -- example:

  load $methane
  isosurface plane {0 0 0 1} map vdw contours 20
  write ISOSURFACE contour.pmb
  isosurface contour.pmb

bug fix: mesh capper producing gaps
bug fix: CIP chirality fixed for rule ordering; validated for IUPAC Rules 1, 2, and 3 (though still some questions about Rule 3)
bug fix: print getProperty("cifinfo") without file name fails

Robert M. Hanson
Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900

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