On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 02:18:27PM -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> On 16 Oct 2002, Perl Jobs wrote:
> > Required skills: PERL, Php and Linux operating systems
> As an FYI to potential applicants, this job was first posted as being "80%
> PHP, 10% Perl, and 45% MySQL" (yes, I know that's 135%!).  They changed it
> so I posted it, but I debated on whether or not I should, since I doubt
> the job requirements have changed.
> So applicant beware.

I'm not sure how loudly I should say this but applicants should be
*VERY* wary. I've recently had dealings with this company and the guy
running the show isn't the most professional person. I've subsequently
found out that he has a history of hiring people then strong-arming them
in one way or another.  (Email me if you'd like details)

BTW, the entire application is written in PHP with a mysql database
holding the info. I signed on to do some perl work with them through a
third party and found to my dismay that there was exactly one perl
program in the entire codebase and it wasn't even being used!

Jonathan Scott Duff

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