2008/4/16 Fathoni Wahyu Utama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   2008/4/15 napnap_03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <napnap_03%40yahoo.com>>:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ga' mesti pake YM pake software Pidgin, Gaim ato yang lain juga bisa
> > gratis/alias free-software, pake icq aja pake text-base.... asyik
> deh.....
> > coba tanya om gugi (google red.) disana kita bisa curhat apa aja....
> >
> centerim :)
> --
> real_name: Fathoni Wahyu Utama (Fath)
> a.k.a : iceman, hyorinmaru, telur terlalu matang
> birth : December, 5th 1977
> blog : http://hyorinmaru.wordpress.com
> sex : male
> marital_status : single, awaiting_connection/searching
> OS_of_the_choice : GNU/Linux
> main_of_interest : GNU, Linux, open source, free software,
> system/shell programming, Slackware
> --

bagus tu... centerim konsole banget.. temannya links



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