Maaf mas, file-nya gak bisa diapa-apakan, chmod, chown, rm, mv, cp gak 
bisa total.
saya khawatir file di partisinya corrupt, ada cara ngebaikin file 
corrupt secara eksplisit gak ya?
saya pake reiserfs.

Mahyuddin Susanto wrote:
> gimana kalo di boot via live cd terus... eh gini wes (bingung 
> bahasanya :D)
> # cd /var/lib/dpkg/available
> # mv avaliable avaliable.lama
> # cp avaliable.lama avaliable.lama
> # chown root.root avaliable
> -- 
> Mahyuddin Susanto
> Blog: <>
> <>
> "setiap bandwidth yang anda habiskan akan di pertanggung jawabkan di
> akhirat"
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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