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Title: UUB - The Alt F4 Lamer

The ALT-F4 Lamer


I have to say this has gotta be one of my personal favorites.

<Many> thanks to ZaphodBee who gave me this log   :)


<Uub> Hi

<Uub> Can you nuke someone for me please!!!!

<ZafodBee> what?

<Uub> Some asshole broke into a channal and took it over, If I get someone to nuke him I get ops there, but the channal is invite only so he's on another right noe

<Uub> I mean now

<Uub> never mind

<ZafodBee> oh Uub. i think you need to calm down.

<Uub> my only chance for ops there has failed

<Uub> I'm now not allowd there ever again

<ZafodBee> hahahaha

* ZafodBee points and laughs

<Uub> My arch rival there got it first and got oped then banned me

<ZafodBee> haha

* ZafodBee points and laughs

<Uub> That's not funny

* ZafodBee points and laughs

<ZafodBee> (Some more)

<ZafodBee> oh mercy

<Uub> It's the only place where they allow only 10 ops and he's the 8th

<ZafodBee> hahaha

<Uub> and only 5 non ops

<ZafodBee> hahahaha

<Uub> everyone is in constant conversation, it's the best channel on mirc

<ZafodBee> LOL

<ZafodBee> whats it called?

<Uub> pokesim

<Uub> I have no Idea how I found it

<Uub> how do you use nuke

<Uub> s

<Uub> brb

<ZafodBee> Uub:

<ZafodBee> to nuke someone:

<ZafodBee> ALT + F4

<ZafodBee> it works easy

<ZafodBee> it'll pop up

<ZafodBee> and ask you for their IRC name

<ZafodBee> you type it in.

<ZafodBee> and away she goes.

*** Uub has quit IRC (Leaving)

*** Uub ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #cletus

<ZafodBee> did it work?

<Uub> fuck it was a virus

<ZafodBee> what do you mean?

<Uub> or it didn't work

<ZafodBee> dude

<ZafodBee> try it again

<ZafodBee> sometimes you need to work it twice

<ZafodBee> and then the TCP/IP protocols

<ZafodBee> will recognize your ip.

<Uub> so just push alt f4?

<ZafodBee> yes

*** Uub has quit IRC (Leaving)

*** Uub ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #cletus

<Uub> It's not working

<ZafodBee> hmmm

<ZafodBee> try it one more time -- this time tell me what appears on your screen.

<ZafodBee> so i know how you can work it.

*** Uub has quit IRC (Leaving)

<ZafodBee> ZAFRON

<ZafodBee> ARE YOU HERE?!&*(#&*!@#


<ZafodBee> LOL

*** Uub ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #cletus

<Uub> Nothing

<ZafodBee> fuck.

<Uub> my mIRC just disapears

<ZafodBee> oh!

<ZafodBee> I know why.

<ZafodBee> my bad.

<ZafodBee> hehe.

<Uub> why

<ZafodBee> first, press ALT + N, then ALT + F4

<ZafodBee> i always forget about that

<ZafodBee> i forgot you have Windows 3.11

<Uub> if it happens again I'll be so pissed

<ZafodBee> k,

<Uub> a notify list poped up

<ZafodBee> just try it.

<ZafodBee> oh.

<Uub> do I type any thing in there

<ZafodBee> just try plain ALT + f4 one more time

*** Uub has quit IRC (Leaving)

<ZafodBee> oh mercy

*** Uub ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #cletus

<ZafodBee> did it work?


<Uub> no it was the same as always

<Uub> I gotta go soon

<ZafodBee> what happens?

<Uub> mirc just disapears

<ZafodBee> i dunno.

<ZafodBee> can you try it just one more time?

<Uub> ok but if I leave i'm not coming back on

*** Uub has quit IRC (Leaving)




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