Creating COM Objects in Visual J++

Why Create Visual J++ COM Objects and ActiveX Controls?

Why use Visual J++? Because Java is a great language to work in. (Even
Microsoft executives testify to this.) It's more powerful than Microsoft
Visual Basic®, but not as hard to learn and use as Microsoft Visual C++®.
And with the powerful features of the new Windows Foundation Classes (WFC)
in Visual J++ 6.0, you can produce great programs for the Windows platform
in record time, taking full advantage of Windows, Java, and even dynamic

Don't forget, too, that making a COM object out of Java classes you've
already written is a great way to allow programs written in any
COM-compatible language, even scripting languages, to use your Java classes.
That makes your Java code that much more valuable, because it can be used
from languages other than Java.

Disadvantages of using Java for COM objects

Every silver lining, however, has its cloud. And there are a couple of
reasons you might choose to use another language. First, although Java COM
dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) are small, comparable to Visual Basic or
Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) COM DLLs, they require additional
run-time support in the form of a compatible version of the Microsoft
virtual machine (VM) and classes. You may have to figure out how to make
sure that a compatible VM is installed on your users' machines. But if your
users have plenty of memory and have the VM installed, this isn't a problem
at all.

The need for the virtual machine causes the other disadvantage: Java,
despite our great just-in-time compiler, is still somewhat slower than a
control written in C++ or C++ with Active Template Library (ATL). For many
applications, the speed disadvantage isn't significant. How will you know
for your application? The only way to know for sure is to test.

*  Slavi Andreev - Software Engineer                       *
*  Sirma AI Ltd. - Artificial Intelligence Labs.           *
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