When hearing confessions, a Catholic priest had adopted the practice of making white chalk-marks on his black cassock according to the seriousness of the sin, so that he could add them up and decide on an appropriate penance. One day a man came into the Confessional and the exchange went like this:
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned."
"What is the nature of your sin, my son?"
"I have fornicated, Father."
"Hmm. That's bad." The priest made a chalk-mark.
"And I've committed adultery, for she is a married woman."
"That's worse." Two more chalk-marks.
"Not only that, but she's the wife of my best friend."
"A shameful betrayal." Another four chalk-marks.
"And they're not even Catholics, but Episcopalians!"
To which the Priest says: "What are ye wasting me time for?!" as he rubs the chalk marks off his cassock.

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