> Husband: (Returning late from work) " Good
> evening dear..... I'm logged in."
> Wife: Have you brought the grocery?
> Husband: Bad command or filename.
> Wife: But I told you in then morning!
> Husband: Syntax Error. Abort?
> Wife: What about my new TV?
> Husband: Variable not found....
> Wife: At least, give me your Credit Card, I want to do some
> shopping.
> Husband: Sharing Violation. Access denied.
> Wife: Do you love me or do you love computers or are you just being
> funny?
> Husband: Too many parameters....
> Wife: It was a great mistake that I married an idiot like you.
> Husband: Data type mismatch.
> Wife: You are useless.
> Husband: It's by default.
> Wife: What about your Salary?
> Husband: File in use .... Try later.
> Wife: What is my value in the family?
> Husband :Unknown Virus.

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