funny you should mention this, colin.  lately my granddaughter and i have 
been watching the sound of music and mary poppins ... she really loves the 
music.  she moves her hands back and forth as tho she were conducting an 
orchestra. she is only 2 yrs old.
what i have found out is that grownups can learn lots from children.
as ever

At 08:23 PM 8/27/01 +0100, colin wrote:
>I have just watched this film again. I have seen it so many times. This
>time on DVD-my own! It still makes me cry. I haven't before really
>undertsood why it moves me so. Thinking about it tho today, I think it
>represents the innocence of childhood for me-until the grownups come
>along and destroy it for ever.(aprt from that i really enjoy the music
>and songs!)
>DAK,BRO GC, 950i 940,860,864, 260, 890,Silver 830 and 270, Passap 6000

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