I wrote:

<< I agree with Pau, Laurentl.  This list of "facts" is extremely slanted, 
and to pretend otherwise is not a tenable position.  I promise you that 
another list might give 15 "facts" which are diametrically opposed to these, 
and its compiler would swear blind that this was a totally disinterested list 
of facts.

Brian responded:

<< I, for one, would be very interested in seeing this 'other list' you refer 
Debra in turn responded:

<< I didn't get the impression Azeem had another list handy, but rather was 
making the point that, on any subject, people can compile what they call the 
"facts" as though that's the entire story when usually it's just one side of 
it.   >>

Thank you Debra, this is exactly my point.  I maintain that anyone believing 
that all of the statements on Laurent's are 100% true needs to look again; 
there is one howler so obvious that it should be easily spottable, and if 
nothing else give pause for thought about the others.  I'm not attempting a 
foresnic analysis of the situation and of every statement in that list, as I 
don't pretend to be qualified to do so; my point is that the list is 
tendentious in the extreme and to pretend otherwise is (as Paul originally 
pointed out) preposterous.


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