Hello, all,

Didn't know of the existence of the Joni Fest until about a week ago, when I 
joined this list.  Already feel I'm getting to know some of you, and I wish I 
could be there.  Maybe next year...

Yesterday was my partner, Robert's, birthday, so the week has been busy.  But 
also Labor Day is coming up, a day which has special meaning for me.  In 
early March, 1982, I was very sick;  I was stammeringly told by my health 
care provider that my specific symptoms seemed to imply that I had what was 
beginning to be called the "gay plague" or GRID, among other things.  I asked 
him what the prognosis was;  he hesitated and hedged, but finally said that 
if the disease progressed as it usually seemed to be doing at that time, I 
had maybe six months.  I walked home in a daze.  Once there, I flipped 
through a calendar, and six months from that day happened to be Labor Day, 
1982.  (I no longer remember the exact date -- the 3rd, the 4th? -- maybe one 
of you with an appropriate computer program, or a lot of calendars can tell 
me, not that it matter much anymore).  Needless to say, I wasn't dead by that 
Labor Day, although I was still pretty sick.  Nineteen more Labor Days later, 
and I'm still here.  I've been pretty sick some of the time, near death once, 
and not that bad a lot of the time, including now.  The link to Joni is, of 
course, soothing and healing.  There are others who calm, soothe and cheer me 
up -- Cocteau twins, Everything But The Girl, k.d. lang, certain songs by 
many other artists -- but Joni... well you guys know.  For soothing/healing, 
I especially like most of DJRD and NRH, but any and all or her albums give me 

To all of you -- have a wonderful, fun, laughing, soothing JoniFest -- and 
many Labor Days to come!


"Big" Walt Breen in S.F.

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