Recently there have been posts regarding the deplorable state of radio and
limited musical choices heard.
Here's one radio station in Alberta ( which is different and
limitless in its selections.
This article was published by Alberta Views Magazine and they have kindly
sent a full text to me for submission.  Thank you.

This radio station accepts unsolicited music of all kinds, and yes, it plays
Joni, Leonard Cohen, Diana Krall, Molly Johnson, Eva Cassidy, Van Morrison,
Steve Earle, Fred Eaglesmith, that big-boned girl - kd lang, Mike Plume,
Jane Siberry, Ben Harper, the Waifs, Stiff Gins, Jerry Alfred and the
Medicine Beat, Daniel Lanois, Oh Susanna - you get my drift, not your
everyday pap 10 of any kind.
You can phone, email, send snail mail and request music even, how quaint!
Of course they could use more money to buy duct tape, bailing wire and
CKUA will be 74 years young on November 21 and if all the listeners sent in
$74 this year and $75 next year for their 75th Anniversary, they'd be
smiling and not have to fundraise for a few years!!!

ttfn, and back to lurkdom,


----- Original Message -----
From: "renee groves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Norma Meatheringham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 12:36 PM
Subject: Article on CKUA

I've copied the full text of the article below and, attached an MS Word
version. Hope that works for you.
Renee Groves, Assistant Editor
AlbertaViews Magazine
520 23 Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2S 0J5
Ph: 243 5334  Fx: 243 8599

Ears A Little More Open
Why a growing audience adores CKUA radio.
By Geo F. Takach

Can you imagine a 73-year-old prairie product that people receive free but
happily pay $1.3-million a year for simply because they like it so much?
Something demanded by operating room surgeons at Edmonton's Royal Alexandra
Hospital and requested by long-distance truckers phoning in from their rigs?
Something so loved that 800 unpaid volunteers wait in line to help deliver
Imagination meets reality at CKUA Radio, the station not even a pulled plug
could kill. Four years ago, it fell silent, financially drained by those
appointed by the provincial government when it privatized the station (see
"Privatization and the Radio Station," AlbertaViews, vol. 1, no. 1). Today,
this unique Alberta outlet enjoys the cult-like devotion of somewhere
between 100,000 and 350,000 listeners and 10,000 donors who keep it afloat
with astounding financial, logistical and emotional support. Why are they so
passionate about CKUA? The answers reveal as much about the soul of our
province as they debunk popular myths.
One explanation involves the classic Albertan trait of pioneering married to
that lesser known Albertan characteristic, a sense of community ownership.
The station served as a public asset for almost seven of the province's
first nine decades. Working from a little shack built south of Athabasca
Hall at the University of Alberta, CKUA became Canada's first public
broadcaster on November 21, 1927, fulfilling the vision of H.P. Brown, the
university's visual aids specialist, of bringing the institution to
Albertans through the new medium. CKUA--the last two call letters recognize
the U of A--launched western Canada's first live football broadcast in 1928,
the nation's first school broadcast in 1929, a special wartime newscast for
American soldiers stationed in the Yukon in 1944 and a pioneering stereo
broadcast in 1959. The former Alberta Government Telephones ran it from 1945
until the provincially owned ACCESS Corporation took control in 1974. Today,
CKUA reaches 85 per cent of Albertans and hosts the province's emergency
broadcast system. The station has faced threats, from being eclipsed by
other frequencies in the late 1950s to a 1974 federal ruling prohibiting
educational institutions from holding broadcasting licences. But its 1997
shutdown by government-appointed CEO Gail Hinchliffe, later revealed to have

been bankrupt when taking office, galvanized popular support like never
before. A new, volunteer team led by Edmonton lawyer Bud Steen and musician
Tommy Banks ousted Hinchliffe and her cronies. (The CKUA Foundation's suit
against Hinchliffe and former board members Gerry Luciani, Larry Clausen and
Ric Baker is scheduled for trial this September.) The overnight crusaders
raised $1-million in 14 days, generating enough phone calls to pop CKUA's
telephone circuits and ending five weeks of traumatic dead air.
"The irony is that when the station went off the air for the first time,
people finally understood what a treasure it represented," says station
manager Ken Regan. This is echoed by the mass of volunteers who emerged to
help save CKUA and by U of A social psychologist Robert Sinclair, who notes
that people are more likely to have their passions raised when a freedom or
something important to them is taken away.
Ironically, privatization has made CKUA more dependent on community largesse
than ever. Donations accounted for 52 per cent of revenues in 1999/2000,
while 34 per cent came from advertising, 7 per cent from renting technical
services and space on its transmitter towers and 4 per cent from grants.
The station has staked its future on the novel notion of "subscription
radio," a departure from pleading for funds just to stay alive. Management
sees this as an appropriate relationship between CKUA and its audience, who
are invited to pay as they would for newspapers, magazines or cable TV. "We
have no mechanism to withhold the service," explains program director Brian
Dunsmore, "so we depend on people taking personal responsibility. The honour
system works."
The numbers bear this out. Annual ongoing subscriptions of $1.1-million and
total donations of $1.3-million are remarkable, but the passion behind
CKUA's support is even more amazing. Volunteers contribute to every facet of
its operations, be it serving on the board, running the music information
line, cataloguing and filing disks in the library, contacting donors,
writing for the on-air Arts and Culture Guide or organizing and staffing
fundraisers. WCB reports for  2000 show 12,222 volunteer hours, representing
$72,714 in donated time. This does not include the 10-day, biannual
fundraisers, in which everyone from blue hair to blue rinse chips in another
2,300 hours.
Tales of near-fanatical loyalty abound. A cadre of devoted fans of the
diverse Alberta Morning program, dubbed "Cam's Hams" in honour of host Cam
Hayden, turn up for his 6 a.m. show to work the phones during pledge drives.
The station has volunteer chapters in Lethbridge, Red Deer, Calgary, Grande
Prairie, Peace River, Fort McMurray and Canmore. "We couldn't do it without
them," beams volunteer coordinator Maureen Workman.
his brings us to the core of CKUA's popularity: quality. The station appeals
to a segment of society united not by traditional geographic, social or
economic strata, but by appreciation for CKUA itself.
"CKUA listeners are people with their minds awake and their ears a little
more open, interested in music, art and culture and in control of their
lives," says Dunsmore. "People feel a strong connection because our
announcers offer something different from that great, white-bread blah that
is pop culture, steamrollered by Hollywood and Madison Avenue. People are
saying, OThis is not enough. We need more.'"
"I hate to criticize, because the vast majority listen to Oops! I Did It
Again or the Backstreet Boys," shrugs Tom Coxworth, who hosts Folk Routes.
"They have their place, but only through mediocrity. The question is, are
you going to find something that excites you and gives you a challenge,
something you haven't heard before?"
But quality and proprietary feelings are not the only allure. CKUA has a
long and strong record of contributing to arts, culture and education. For a
start, Albertans get a detailed look at arts events in 85 per cent of the
province. Summerfest provides information on festivals, featuring interviews

with artists and promoters, along with their music, excerpts from books or
plays and even discussions of visual art. "We tell people there's something
good happening in Alberta," says program host Chris Allen. "I doubt there's
a single arts or cultural group we haven't supported through our coverage.
Other stations won't talk to the Cow Patti Theatre from Clive, Alberta,
unless the theatre pays for it. We do."
Then come programs like Travel Treasures, promoting Alberta destinations;
Innovation Alberta, profiling science, research and technology; Ecofile, an
award-winning environmental entry; and Heritage Trails, a series of 500
historical vignettes about the province. The latter two are made freely
available to Alberta schools and researchers. An ambitious trilogy of
48-part documentary series produced by Dunsmore and David Gregory of
Athabasca University chronicles popular music of the 20th century. And
CKUA's monumental 24-part series The Folkways Collection scooped the likes
of PBS in documenting a vital slice of Americana, the amazing legacy of
Folkways Records founder Moses Asch. The series profiled the 30,000 musical
performances, narratives, rituals and sounds, including spoken word, from
around the world captured on that historic label. CKUA launched this
original binational project by making a personal connection with Asch's son,
Michael, then a U of A professor and a fan of the station, and the venerable
Smithsonian Institution, which contributed funding and research assistance.
"We have a responsibility to the community and to the culture of the
province in addition to the newsmakers," says Coxworth. "We're probably the
most leading-edge in promoting local musicians who need to be heard. I love
the Beatles, but each safe song inhibits a struggling new artist who meets
the same standard and could really use the exposure. Many artists are
respected and earning a living wage because we gave them their start."
Reflecting the station's popularity with artists themselves, on-air tributes
are spoken, sung and played by everyone from Africa's Black Umfoloso, the
Bulgarian Women's Choir and the Cuban Institute of Friendship to Boston jazz
guitarist Pat Metheny, Scottish folksinger Dick Gaughan and Wavy Gravy, a
San Francisco-based activist and clown. Pitching for CKUA in Canada are the
likes of actor Tom Jackson, fiddler Natalie MacMaster, bluesman Long John
Baldry, children's musical icon Raffi, talk show host Dini Petty and
folksingers Kate and Anna McGarrigle. And these are from outside this
province. Inter-nationally lauded performers like Jann Arden, PJ Perry and
k.d. lang have credited the station with helping to launch their careers.
"CKUA has been instrumental for me," says Perry, a Juno Award-winning
saxophonist who has performed with philharmonic orchestras and jazz greats
like Dizzy Gillespie. "It would have been impossible without it. The station
sticks its neck out, playing longer tracks than would ordinarily be played
on commercial radio."
Then there is the obvious reason for CKUA's following: programming that is
ambitious, eclectic and highly personal to announcers and listeners alike.
In any given week, you can hear music from classical, choral and jazz to new
age, "wide cut" country--and a goulash of reggae, dub, ska, roots, hip hop
and dance hall called One Drop Rhythms. The global diversity of daily
programs like The Afternoon Edition defies categorization as well as the
hoary stereotype of Albertans as homogeneous rednecks.
"I'm not a traditional music director," comments David Ward on his job
title. "Rather, I look after the sound resource, managing what's in the
kitchen, while the announcers choose what's on the menu." Free from the
dictates of preformatted, computer-generated playlists, CKUA announcers can
choose from one of Canada's leading musical collections, boasting 55,000 LPs
(and growing with steady donations), almost 30,000 CDs and a basement full
of 15,000 vintage 78s which one volunteer spent eight months cataloguing.
"We don't have everything," says Ward, "but we come pretty close."
"Why do so many Albertans own music by African kora players, Tuvan throat
singers, Cuban congeros or Brazilian singers?" muses Monica Miller, host of
As I Hear It. "As we listen to music from places we've never been--Finland,
Madagascar, Jamaica, Nashville or Cape Breton--we come to understand that
cultures don't fit into boxes. Music travels independent of lines on a map,
and Ocultural fabric' becomes so rich and wonderful. Our listeners
understand that in a very profound way."
Yet the station does not purport to be avant-garde. "We don't have something
for everybody," Ward points out. "We have no speed metal, for example. We
accept that our audience is interested in a broad range, but we don't push
the envelope on hard, ultra-demanding music. We're a business now. But we
still do things most others don't, though it's not as acceptable to provoke
a bit as it was before society became more conservative."
"CKUA has always had an unshakeable integrity," opines "old disc (pause)
jockey" John Worthington, a fixture since 1949. "We treat the audience as
intelligent beings."
"Radio is a very personal medium, providing the soundtrack to our lives,"
adds Regan. "Because of its eclectic breadth, a special bond forms.
Listeners and volunteers say it makes a difference in their quality of life.
People tell us when they move away they miss the station and there's nothing
like it."
That passion radiates from the announcers, many of whom have been there
since disco days.
"The whole thing is a joy," declares Andy Donnelly, a Brobdingnagian
bon-vivant who wears his huge heart on his sleeve, just below his
shoulder-length curls, and whose gentle brogue and sly wit on the
monstrously popular The Celtic Show have earned him more than a kilt
following. "It's all about the music and the people. They get it. We all
feel the power, the spirit and the joy of it." When he's not playing the
sonorous strains of the British Isles, Donnelly spreads warmth and cheer
with the "Celtic Cuddle," his personal take on the bear-hug. "It's the
greatest barrier-breaker," he notes. "Total strangers ask me for it."
"We sound human," says Cathy Ennis, host of The Listening Room. "Each of us
puts our own show together. We relate to the audience in a way commercial
radio can't." Indeed, CKUA announcers routinely receive rousing ovations
when introduced at concerts and cultural events across the province. "People
think it's amazing, when all I do is play records for a living," smiles
But CKUA announcers don't just play and talk about the music. They live it.
Their ranks brim with accomplished vocalists and musicians in jazz, folk,
bluegrass and blues, along with writers, actors and arts impresarios. Lionel
Rault (Lionel's Vinyls, The R and B Review) is an acclaimed folk-roots
guitarist and songwriter with a career approaching the 30-year mark. Holger
Peterson (Natch'l Blues, Canada's longest-running blues program) is a
producer who runs Stony Plain Records, a Canadian roots music label
celebrating its 25th year. A staple on the Celtic circuit, Donnelly is on a
first-name basis with many of the acts he plays on-air. Coxworth has some
6,500 folk records in his collection and a recording studio in his basement.
The excellence of CKUA's programming was recognized by a Prairie Music Award
for best media outlet in both 1999 and 2000. But the most eloquent tributes
come from the listeners themselves. They phone in pledges from their
combines. They write of the music distracting them from tracking down
runaway steers. And since the station began broadcasting on the Internet
last year, they send e-mail from all over the globe. A recent campaign saw
pledges from seven provinces, two territories, eight American states and
locales as far-flung as New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates. An hour of
The Celtic Show was sponsored by someone from Bogota, Colombia.
"It's radio raised to a level that's really a public service," says Senator
Banks. "But as wonderful as it is, it still hasn't reached aspirations for
the kind of programming we want to see. We'd like to do more creative
programming involving Alberta artists--more outreach programs and recordings
of concert music, literature and drama--but it's no longer affordable."
So despite the pioneering, the decades of service, the sense of community
ownership, the eclectic, award-winning programming and the fervent support
of its fans, the privatized CKUA's future remains uncertain.
On the one hand, listener loyalty is stronger than ever. The audience is
growing at home and abroad. On-line donations jumped from $4,000 in the
spring 2000 fundraiser to $40,000 last spring. Advertisers ranging from
EPCOR, an Edmonton-based utility company, to Prego Cucina Italiana, a
Calgary eatery, are delighted with their sponsorships. But the station
continues to run on a shoestring.
"For three years, we've been scratching and clawing just to survive,"
asserts Regan. "We're alive, but we're only one bad fundraiser away from
Although CKUA has managed to generate enough revenue to keep operating, it
has no capital budget to maintain its infrastructure. Its 17 transmitters
across the province are operating close to or past their life expectancies,
some held together by silicone, baling wire and duct tape. Equipment is
outdated and consequently expensive to repair. When asked how they maintain
the transmitters without a budget, technical operations manager Neil Lutes
says, "With great difficulty."
With less than half the preprivatization budget, there is less staff and
more work now than before 1994. Pensions have been frozen and pay cut by
one-third. "It means being more efficient, focused and aware of time," says
Allen. "Everyone has more than one job." He lists his duties on any given
program as announcer, technician, producer, editor, music director and
researcher, "all at the same time and sometimes on the fly."
This raises the question of whether CKUA should be funded by government
again. For some, public donations exceeding $1-million per year are ample
demonstration that Albertans want CKUA. "There's no more convincing evidence
of support than writing a cheque," observes Banks.
"If government wants arts and culture in the province, it should recognize
CKUA's role in Albertans' daily life," declares Steen. "We talk to rural
Albertans like no one else. We put bums in seats when arts productions come
here. I believe we're making better Albertans by playing this kind of music.
"I'm very pleased that we picked up the old lady, dusted her off and got her
back on her feet, but we have a long way to go," he adds. If some generous
benefactor gave us $10-million to spend and $10-million from which to draw
interest for capital improvements, we'd be okay."
"It's vital that people support CKUA because it's unique in Canadian
broadcasting and a part of Alberta historically, culturally, socially,
politically and economically," concludes Regan. "It's not right to let
important institutions that helped define us as individuals and as Albertans
So it boils down to this. After nearly three-quarters of a century of
pioneering, mind-broadening and delighting, CKUA's survival has become an
acid test of the unique and entrepreneurial spirit that inspired it.
Stay tuned.


Most of us go to our grave with
our music still inside of us.

Happiness comes through doors you
didn't even know you left open.
~  Author Unknown

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