Late last night after I got offline I checked my voice mail and had received
the following midnight message from my hipper than moi 80 year old mother:
"Hey, I forgot to tell you - Sandra Bernhard has a fabulous new show on A&E
and I've been watching it every night - she keeps talking about Joni and
said she's going to be on the show - but I think she also said something
like it's hard to schedule her because she's booked up - but it looks like
she IS going to have her on"  Then "click"  Heehee ;-)  Kakki

Russ wrote:
> I saw the A&E show, too.  When Sandra (could anyone be more au courant?)
> and Hynde started talking about guitarists, I held my breath waiting for a
> mention of the Divine One....It was only when Sandra said the word Hejira
> and mentioned the album did they say, "Oh, Joni Mitchell is a great
> guitarist, too." Dare we hope that Our Queen might at some point grace us
with her presence
> on the show??  I'm all a-quiver just thinking about it.

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