In a message dated 31/08/01 10:14:25 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << I was lucky enough to get the album a while back as a friend of mine is on her team. And yes, that does mean he's at Warner, so he is keeping an ear out for 'A Case of Joni' but as yet, no word. >> You have my undiluted envy, Rob! Not very pious, I know... Tori is criminally underrated, and having heard her wonderful rendition of Smells Like Teen Spirit years ago I can't wait for this album. And talk of Joan Armatrading has made me dig out the LP of her third, untitled and unimprovable album. Anyone who hasn't heard of her and fancies checking her out (especially outside the UK, where she was quite well known), my advice is to go straight for this record, ignoring dip-your-toes-in-the-water compilations. This album will be a beautiful revelation, and will also make newbies say "ah, so this is why people were mentioning Joan when Tracy Chapman's first album appeared." Have a fab time at the bun fight, everybody! Azeem in London NP: the glorious close of "Love & Affection" and now the even more glorious intro to "Save Me" - such a unique voice. God, it's like rediscovering an old lover!