to chris. Hey, chris. Hard for me to distinguish from which album of Missy's
to suggest to you cause I like them so much but I will tell you which ones I
find the best of the best. Melissa is great, Better Days and Happy Endings of
course, Home to myself is fantastic. She was still pretty earthy and gritty
on these albums and described herself as the girl of paisley, crystals, and
beads. Bright Eyes that Ken from SF mentioned is also great. Still has the
same feel but has a little more of a rough edge to some of the tunes. Course
she changed as time went on and became more polished. Remember the hit record
"Hey Ricky". An okay song and pretty catchy but not real great Melissa. The
album it came off of is great though. Real polished with some great tunes.
:Hope you enjoy her. take it easy. later. mack