Hey friends,

Thank you so much for welcoming this quiet newbie lurker this
weekend at JoniFest 2001. The immediate sense of community that I felt moved 
me deeply. I just keep thinking that this is the most positive use of the 
internet that I've seen yet. It was such a pleasure to meet you all and sing 
and dance and laugh with such talented, beautiful people all brought 
together by the JMDL!! I knew it would be fun, but it turned out to be so 
much mo' than I'd expected...lookin for laughter and findin it there... ;)

Thanks to Ashara & Nick for welcoming us all to their home.
Thanks to Maggie and Paz and Nick all everyone who helped with the food for 
nourishing our bellys while we all nourished each other with music.
Thanks to Paz for sharing songs (Fuzzy rocked) and the mindblowing VG8.
Thanks to Chuck for teaching me some dulcimer tricks and keepin me in picks. 
Thanks to Amy and Claud for filling my guitar and heart with their voices on 
Circle Game and Case of You. Thanks to Jeff for jammin harp all weekend. 
Thanks to Pippin for the new sweater I'm knitting. Thanks to Willy the Shake 
for a new light on a Bob Marley tune that I've always loved and never 
understood. Thanks to Russ and Wally for crackin me up on the way to the 
church and for some fine Gershwin and Porter respectively. Thanks to Leslie 
for her soulful renditions of everthing she touched and some great 
California stories. Thanks to Stephanie for playing the soundtrack to my 
dreams as I drifted off on Friday night listening to her flow on Piano 
inside. Thanks to Bob for runnin a smooth show and a smooth Blue Hotel Room 
on Sat. Thanks for taking my parody with a grain of salt...Thanks to Kay, 
Patrick, Jeff, Nikki, Yael and Michael for a beautiful beach hang yesterday. 
Thanks to Allison for rockin out on Fearless Heart with me last night. 
Thanks to Rose for the Jersey connection and for responding to my only other 
post (I'll dig out that picture and e-it along). Thanks to Les for keepin 
this community in touch.

Sorry to split Atty. May's without saying goodbye to a lot of you.
The smoke got to me and I had a long drive home to the praries of PA to make 
last night. It which went by quickly thanks to the full moon, new great Joni 
boot and great new memories to recap (and it was nothing compared to the 
drive that Hell had to make today...). Besides, I thought of the whole 
weekend as one big HELLO to the list, so I figured I'd be talkin to you here 
soon anyhow, so there's no goodbye, just a talk to ya later...

Thank you all for being so supportive and taking an interest in my music as 
well. If you'd like to know where I'll be strummin and hummin in the future, 
there's a list at www.greggcagno.com, and I'll keep y'all up to date. 
Careful though, you might find me tenting in your backyard after the gig ;)

It's all good...and the best is yet to come,


Gregg Cagno
"If you don't live it, it won't come out your horn."
-Charlie Parker ___________________________________________________________
SIQUOMB, damn strait...

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