<<Besides, I thought of the whole weekend as one big HELLO to the list, so I figured 
I'd be talkin to you here soon anyhow, so there's no goodbye, just a talk to ya 

You better keep that promise, Gregg...with the first strum of your guitar, I said to 
myself..."Oh I see, this man's a ***professional***!! Thanks for bringing along your 
CD's, so I can enjoy it where ere I roam. Like an idiot, I left it at Ashara's!
Your voice has such a warmth & sense of genuineness about it. And your charismatic 
stage presence translates as well on record. 

Thanks for taking the chance on coming to the fest, and for your easy smile, and for 
all the great music!


NPIMH: Gregg Cagno, "...gonna wreck my jockeys in some jukejoint dive..."

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