Hello all!
Back in Vancouver, but rather homesick today!

A 2 1/2 hr drive from Seattle, so got in @3:00 Topsfield time- no problem
as I am now a night owl!  The drive was lovely, as I had the sweet tunes of
Victor, Gregg, Lydia and Joni 1967 to keep me company- and the many
wonderful memories of perhaps the nicest weekend of my life!

Firstly to Ashara, truly an angel on this earth!  How you opened your heart
and home to us all, is absolutely incredible.  I still can't figure out how
you do it all!  So my heartfelt thanks to both you and Sal for your
And your support team of Maggie, Heather and Lawrie- what an effort by you
all- thank you so!

I have honestly never been in a room so filled with love and emotion from
such an amazing number of talented people.
Not wanting to sound overly gushy, but it really was a life-changing
experience, and I know I have made some life-long friends.  The music room,
family room, porch, back deck, front steps- everywhere you went, there were
sounds of people strumming, singing, playing the piano.........and til the
wee hours of the morning.

The performance at the church on Saturday was incredible!  10 hours of
wonderful music- and a day filled with emotion.  There were lots of tears
cried by many, myself included.  Perhaps more later- soooooo many great

All for the moment- the reality of work is setting in.
Love to you all,

Stephen in Vancouver

NP: Victor Johnson- Tangled- absolutely lovely Victor!!!!!

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