So.... I'm ignorant and homophobic?  "I guess that is the truth."  I've been
working on it for the 4 years I've been on the List but "I can't help who I
am", right?

Which Bryan am I having a flame war with?  And yes, I'm done.

> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 01:37:33 EDT
> Subject: Re: JMDL Digest V2001 #371 - Colvin/Babies/Gay?
> I have to jump in here to respond to a comment I find rather
> silly (and I'm not meaning to imply negative about the originator
> of the comment)...anyway, the comment was something like Shawn
> Colvin just had another baby so she's not gay...please!...I know
> lots of lesbians who have babies and gay men who father or adopt
> children! I thought we were waaaaayyyyy past that...I have no
> idea whether Shawn is gay and don't really care, but havin'
> babies is not an indicator of sexual orientation.
> Everyone have a nice Labor Day weekend...
> Bryan

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