Dear Vick and Paz:

I ws the one who identified the sofa as a lesbian sofa because it was
simply loaded with beautiful lesbians.  There were a few lesbian
wannabes who participated in the mini lesbian fest..along with Pippin
who is a real example of what to be as an older lesbian...she is such a
slut for affection...and the lesbian cat...the lipstick lesbian (in
drag).  Certain lesbians who shall go un-named but they know who they
are then began giggling and could not stop as very sentimental songs
were sung.  They had to leave the room.  And of course...Gregg is so
cute that some of us lesbians could switch.  :)

Paz...I always knew you were a sing like a
lesbian..well..certain lesbians.  As Kerry said...some of us did not get
the k.d. lang or Melissa Etheridge gene.  But you got it got
it. I was soooo glad I won the winning number to peel shrimp. And
Michael...thank you for all the work you did up front and behind the

Ashara are a woman of quality and I am proud to know you.  Thank
you for opening up your home and your heart to your old friends and your
new friends. And Mr. Sal is toooo wonderful...what a man he is. 

I continue to be steeped in memories...thank all of you for a wonderful


> Hell wrote:
> >The improv. CSNY session in the TV room with Marcel, Paz and
> Victor had to be seen >(heard) to be believed - even though
> Marcel and Paz were sitting on the Lesbian Sofa at >the time.....
> What??  A lesbian sofa?  Is this a seating area created
> especially *for* lesbians?  Or <boy, is my mind racing and my
> heart 'a pounding here!!> is this some new kinky
> plug-that-baby-in-and-watch-'er-go delight that Ashara has
> purchased just for our pleasure?  And I thought there was to be
> no fraternization of that sort at the Fest....
> Dang, I hate I missed it!
> Cindy
> P.S. - Ashara, please provide me with the style number and
> manufacturer of said sofa as soon as possible.
> P.P.S. - Lama, did you get photos??

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