>From Jeff....(my editorial comments: WOW ya'll...THANK YOU...you've
converted him...something that even Joni herself was not able to do so
thoroughly... )

Hi Everyone,

The whole thing was a trip  in every sense.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself
from the moment we pulled up to Asharas house and heard the music wafting
out of every screen covered opening, until the very last wee-hour moments
around the candle in the den.  I cut my teeth on Dylan and his ilk  Joni
was peripheral in my cosmos (although I like River a lot) - but after this
weekend, Im certainly a fan of her fans.  I didnt get a chance to talk to
enough of you, or enough to any of you, but if Kate lets me come next time
I hope to do better.  Thanks to all who let me blow some harp with their
music, like I gave you a choice.  Good people, good food, good music  lots
of each  how cool is that?  I cant remember 4 days better spent out of
bed.  Thanks and love to you all.


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