Hello All-

I am once again overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions right now. This years
fest was such a bittersweet event for me and I doubt that I will be able to
totally express why in this venue (mostly because I am no great writer and
then because I haven't allowed all of them to play out as of yet), but I am
inclined to get some of this out as soon as possible in the hope that I can
move on towards the next BIG event. It was so sweet to be able to once again
celebrate my anniversaries with so many people that I have met over the last
four years of attending Ashara's dream/nightmare. There always seems to be
so little time to be able to connect with everyone and quite frequently you
connect harder with some than others and that is always a source of the
bitter part for me. In past years I have been able to spend a lot of time
playing music and this year it seemed like I didn't play as much (for
peeling, marinating, and helping with soup duty) I AM NOT BRINGING THOSE
DAMN THINGS EVER AGAIN!!! (even though Saint Sal is such a god in taking
over the cooking duties) I did spend a lot more time just sitting and
listening for a change and it was truly amazing. It is really hard for me to
do that, as a lot of you know, I love nothing more than singing and playing
with friends and I wear being called a jukebox proudly. There were SO many
more musicians this time and it was such a treat to get to hear all of you
play. As the Divine Ms. Mixon said the collaboration part was extemely
fulfilling and a joy to be a part of and also to watch.
One thing I did notice on Saturday is that how many of us were leaving the
fest to go outside or in other rooms to rehearse while our brothers and
sisters who came rehearsed were doing their thing on stage to a half empty
room. I heard a couple of comments about this and really understand how they
feel. This made me remember something my mom use to tell me, "you know it
doesn't matter if you are playing to thousands of people or just a few, you
still give it everything you got". I think so many of you did exactly that
and I was moved to tears so many times by your music. This does bring to
mind though that we should have a week of rehearsals before the fest begins,
that way, the day of the show we can all just enjoy the performances. YEAH
that's it!!!! Ash, why does it have to be only 3 days huh huh huh?????
Speaking of music the whole Atty May's thing got out of control. I think we
have out grown Atty May's as a musical venue. I had a long talk with May
about it and I think we have done it for the last time there. It broke my
heart that it collapsed the way it did. So many people were suppose to play
there and did not get to. The band from here was fantastic and I wish I
would have planned on having them just close the evening out from about 9pm
on instead of the way we did it, but hindsight... Anyways, I do love the
Plum Island retreat still on Sunday, but maybe just for a out to eat sort of
thing as a group and then back to Ashara's for more music or maybe a house
on the beach. I too loved the quiet jam in the living room on Sunday night
late and the Ganja Line was a riot.
This year there were so many new faces and so many new musicians and I was
struck by all of you. Stephanie I really enjoyed singing The Arrangement
with you at Ashara's piano. Yael oh my Gawd woman, you really touched me big
time (and I don't mean when we were out back in the bushes lol). It was
really a lot of fun playing music with you and hanging out. Don't Dream is
so cool. Kate Bennett and Jeff Bisch Bisch Bisch, you guys are totally
amazing. I would like to have you two all to myself for a while here in
Louisiana so we can write and play and maybe do your next record here Kate.
Chris Marshall it was so awesome to finally meet you and Marian Russell was
SO right about you. I would also like you to just move to the US and be my
bass player forever. Bob Muller thank you so much for being my son, that was
a lot of fun to do that with you and you did a great job on Kingpin. I am so
happy I signed you to my record label early and made you start performing at
these things (just remember my 30% dude). Leslie Mixon I was so honoured for
you to ask me to play Way Over Yonder with you (and while I know I kinda
choked a bit on it, I had a wonderful time doing it as I am sure it was
evident by the "look on my face". Thanks so much to Nikki for asking me to
do The Weight. You did a great job and it was so good to see you up on the
stage performing with everyone (sorry you were under the weather and not up
to Nikki par, but you still managed to make the fest and hang in there till
the wee hours regardless). Kay Ashley you kicked my ass girl. I know we
partied together somewhere in another life somewhere. I hope you and I can
do something together next year (you know something totally off the wall
like a Police/Jethro Tull/Yes set!). Greg Cagno the surprise hit of the
century!!! What an inspiration you are! I totally enjoyed your company and
listening to your music as well as the covers you did. Claudia and Amy both
made me cry during your renditions of Case of You and Circle Game. I wish
you a lot of success and if I can be of any assistance in helping you record
your next record, I would be happy and honoured to do so. LES IRVIN it was
so good to see you finally playing on stage and a lot more. Dude you rock
and thanks so much again for starting this list and for maintaining it with
that wonderful grin of yours. Kakki, ohmygawd, what can I say, other than
you are my oldest and dearest friend on the list and since we bonded on our
first Hejira to Topsfield four years ago, we have had some incredible times
together. It was great to share Plum Island with you this year as it was our
discovery. I hope you enjoyed your extended stay and only wish I coulda hung
out with you and May for more time to decompress together. John Van Tiel
your generosity is incredible and your friendship I continue to hold close
to my heart. I am so happy for you and the news you shared with me (not sure
if it is public knowledge yet so I will refrain from further gushing).
Claudia as usual your set killed me and love seeing your smiling face
enjoying the music so much. Thank you for jumping up and singing Elsewhere
with me. Chuck it was so good to see you as well and like Kakki go so far
back to the old days four years ago with me. I managed to catch you doing a
dulcimer demo in one of the back rooms and it was great as usual.
Maggie the food this year was so good. Thanks so much for helping me (what
am I saying you did MOST of the work) with the soup. I forgot to cook the
damn spiders that we spent so much time separating from the rest of the
shrimp heads. I had a little to much hair of the dawg (not you Pippin) on
Friday and got side tracked. The soup was wonderful Maggie and thank you for
all your other hard work to feed all those hungry faces.
This is getting some damn wordy and breathy and stuff, phew!!! I have not
even begun to crack the surface of what I planned to comment on, but find it
necessary to close for now and take this up later. Before I do, I would like
to thank my wicked stepsister Ashara (you know she's a witch, she lives
right up smack dab in the middle of all that witchy stuff, and Petco's and
Dunkin Donuts, but I digress) for all that you do. I don't know if people
truly realize the risk you put yourself in opening your doors to the world
the way you do or the way you allow people to cook flesh in a kitchen that
normally would not allow the cooking of hundreds of tiny defenseless shrimp
(not to mention leaving their tiny little legs in a bowl of marinade in your
fridge). It was so good to be with you and Sal again and thanks so much for
everything including helping me do my "spicy" laundry. I AM retiring from
the whole shrimp thing though, if ya'll wanna eat my shrimp you'll just have
to come on my own turf to get it. I hope you are recovering well and we
didn't make too much of a mess of your house.
My love to all of you and thanks for your friendship and positive energy. I
will try to finish my thoughts tonight so I can move on and get out of this
sensory deprived state (withdrawal like) that I find myself in at the
To be continued,
NP-Michael From Mountains-Joni Sept. 1967 (Thanks Ashara what a lovely gift
and so thoughtful)

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