10. Got my kids out of the closet since I was going to be home.

9. Took a nap.

8. Rearranged my Joni CDs in alphabetical order.

7. Categorized by genus the collection of dust balls under my bed. There were 
dust bunnies, dust monkeys, dust lambs and dust....oh....er.....so THAT's 
what happened to the damn hamster.

6. Took a nap.

5. Spent Saturday morning at an emergency dental appointment and after 10 
minutes of breathing nitrous oxide was pretty sure I was at the current 
JoniFest. As well as past Jonifests. And future JoniFests!

4. Whipped up a batch of Taylor's Ham.

3. Logged onto www.jmdl.com and wondered where the hell the promised photos 

2. Played with my collection of past JoniFest name tags.

And the #1 Thing:

1. Surfed www.travelplansinadvance.com and booked my ticket to Ashara's for 
next year!!!!


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