The next day being Saturday we got our rentacar and following all the 
directions provided by Yahoo Maps we wended (New England is Huuuuuge on 
wending) our way up to Toppsfield. Now this was the first time that I began 
to get this creepy feeling. Its a question as per whether the road signs are 
inadvertently forgotten or whether they are not put there on purpose to 
frighten and or vex out of towners. Picture the Twilight Zone episode that 
begins with the mad man crashing through the front door collapsing on the 
floor of the small isolated Diner and you get some kind of idea of the New 
England Driving experience.  For all the jokes about California freeways they 
are in fact designed by advanced engineers who use these things called "road 
signs". In New England they are designed by leprechans and you find your way 
with "spells" from the Book of Kells.

 You see this sign that says Danvers (for instance) and a turnoff that says 
Danvers and you take the turnoff and you are on a road lined with thick 
bushes on either sideand you are prevented from seeing anything but the 
roadway right in front of you and you go for about a half mile and when you 
come out of these bushes you have no idea which direction you are heading. I 
called this the Pinata effect. After you're through spinning the bystanders 
laugh at you as you  as you try to regain your bearings. 

After being on the road not knowing which direction you have just gone in you 
finally come to a sign that says something like Ipswitch 5 miles and you 
havent seen a thing. Like "what happened to Danvers?".  Freeway turnoffs in 
California have big white luminescent lines that reflect the headlights and 
guide you to the offramp. In new England there are no lines and the off-ramp 
just might be a hole in the hedge next to the road with a single yellow sign 
which you only see aftre you go through the hole in the hedge that points 
"that way" without any other clue and two ways (or three) you can go.  
Throughout the trip I dont think I guessed correctly once. Driving in New 
England is truly an Alice in Wonderland through the Looking Glass experience. 
I half expected to encounter a big catapiller on a mushroom with hookah going 
"I could send you this way but then you wouldnt be going that way" before 
disappearing entirely leaving only the grinning teeth. 

We stopped for directions after the Danvers turnoff blooper four times and 
the people were very kind and friendly but made comments like "Well its a 
little difficult to explain...." which I already knew. The turnoff to the 
hotel (which by demon luck happened to be on the "other" side of the freeway) 
 required you to guess correctly twice since there was no other helpful hint 
like "Hotel over here" or "Sheraton to your right" then proceed to take the 
sign (Im not kidding) which said "Boston-South" but then immediately take yet 
another sign which said Route 97 East (or something) and then find a nearly 
unmarked path with no painted lines and take IT and know instinctively that 
you needed to go right on that road with the hotel obscurred from your view 
by tall trees. I did this loop three times until I finally exhausted all the 
other ways to go so just to take this turnoff took me about 30 minutes of 
wending. I collapsed like the Twilight Zone character at the front desk only 
to be met by the hostess who really was Irish with the heaviest accent I have 
ever heard and i was SURE that this was the person who had designed the 

I finally get to the Sheraton exhausted, in trauma, and lay my head on the 
counter and lo and behold Im told our room isnt ready yet, but it WILL be. So 
off to Asharas we go. Now painfully aware of the need to follow the map, we 
do, and amazingly (in broad daylight) find Asharas house. It is a beautiful 
two story wooden shingled home amidst an incredible assemblage of trees. The 
back yard has no fences and with the adjoining back yards you have at least a 
175 yard par three hole if you want to install one with a dogleg no less. The 
ambience is one of spacious forrestry and the smell is just the end. I cant 
say enough about this incredible back yard which is more like an area at a 
campground in Yosemite than someones back yard. On the other hand the legends 
of the lurking Mosqiitos was enough to make me stay inside like those who 
live on the Moors in England during Wherwolf season. So I never braved the 
backyard actually. I did vist the porch but was immediately attacked so i 
retreated white flag flying at the first sign of danger. In daytime however 
it is stunning and spectacular. 

When we arrived at Asharas I got to meet her for the first time and the JMDL 
experience was renewed once again. there was the Madame Queen Dolphin 
herself, as well as Wally Kairuz from Argentina, Lori Frye with whom I have 
had many communiques, Mags and Brei and Sal, Asharas big guy. The house is 
totally warm and spacious with a really cool den and other rooms totally 
outfitted in media and computer and entertainment devices with an upstairs 
that has many rooms. The words that describe this abode are warm and friendly.

The final touches on the food prep were winding (as opposed to wending) down 
and soon enough we were on our way to the church in newberryport. It was a 
gorgeous day. Finding our way to the church was a relatively easy task, with 
the church being on the main street and all, and it was the only building 
that had more than  one vehicle next to it. It was a grand white classic New 
England church with a stage and big windows and they had done a marvelous job 
of setting it up. There were all sorts of surrounding high-ceilinged wooden 
rooms to practice or warm up in and downstairs was a big kitchen in which 
food stuffs were asembled. Ashara had gone to the trouble of hiring a sound 
crew and a lighting assemblage and even had Christmas lights strung which 
during the day were ambivalent in terms of atmosphere but at night it was 
mystical and magical in the atmosphere it created we were later to find out 
was wonderful. All the performances were videoed as well and I would think 
that anyone who was there will acquire the entire video of the event.

Its hard to even remember all that happened because you had some people 
playing their own set and you had the same people being brought back up to do 
harmony parts or other parts or group sing alongs and even people like Jimmy 
Stewart from Fort Myers impersonating Bette Midler impersonating Dr. Rene 
Richards with Woo Woo parts to songs on some songs.

When the CD box set eventually comes out I unhesitatingly and highly 
recommend that all of you acquire it and feast your ears on some amazing 
stuff. The JMDL truly has some professionals within it and others who could 
be if they wanted to be. This was an event that went from Noon to 11 pm at 
night and never lost momentum and in fact gained some as it went along. Time 
flew as it does with all such experiences and then all of a sudden there was 
Bob Mueller the indefatigable Master of Ceremonies saying we all had to go 
home. Dinner was served somewhere in the middle. I will have to review the CD 
when it emerges but my recollections are as follows. Some might be out of 
order but thats how they come back to me.

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