I had to write this as a special addendum. The time after the Church concert 
was truly special. It took some time to clean up and all and after that was 
finished the street was filled with festers all waiting for "clearance" from 
the big mahi mahi (if you know what I mean) to go from the church (all was 
cleaned up) to Asharas, We all piled into our respective vehicles some with 
garbage and some without. I was fortunate to have Bob Muller ride with me so 
we got to discuss the incredible day and evening of music. Atty Maes was 
still to happen tomorrow but there was this get together yet to happen at 
Asharas house that night. After such an incredible day you really dont want 
to let go. Its one of the magical things about the fests. You simply want to 
be with everyone and for the music to continue. The hits keep happening the 
momentum keeps building. So off we all went. Bob and I had a great rap about 
the various people and in fact he helped me remember all that had transpired 
so I could write the last part of this series on the church concert. 

Anyway we took the wrong turn off and at night the road system designed by 
the  leprechans is particularly devious and so at some point we stopped in 
the middle of nowhere and its midnight plus 30 or something and having no 
idea where to go next we just stopped. A minute later this caravan of cars 
comes upon us and each filled with people we look at each other and go "Who 
else could this be" so without really knowing we followed this caravan and 
sure enough we go straight to Asaharas. people pile out and theres still much 
work top be done transporting all the concert left overs and equipment etc 
into the house. After a few minutes we all settled into the various rooms to 
continue the merriment.

Believe it or not Ashara is prepared to dish out a chocolate mousse or 
something to the entire party and after which John van Tiel and I rinsed the 
dishes while we talked about Holland. In one room there is acoustic music 
going on and in the kitchen theres conversation, on the back porch theres a 
group feeding the mosquitos with their blood and in the front room is this 
stand up piano. This is where what I consider to be a truly remarkable thing 
happens which really makes these fests what they are. 
Unabashed unabashedness. 

One of the real treats of the fests is that there are lurking major tallents. 
They dont play at the events but they sit in the shadows with all their 
ability.  Earlier last year I got to ride to Davis (2 hour drive) with Russel 
Bowden for Mary Graces Taylor Ham Sponsored Mini-fest and I could just tell 
there was spomething special there. Russel comes frrom a major tallented 
musical family from back east actually and he has sung in the San Francisco 
gay mens Chorus one of the very best vocal choirs in the country. I chided 
him because he will NOT play electric piano, only acoustic. What a howler. OK 
Russ here it is I demanded he take off the mask and finally I get to hear 
him. Hes an authority on opera and other fine music as well. Anyway oh my God 
what an immense player. Elton John, Cole Porter, you name it. We're talking 
Bobby Short or Elton Himself. I was in heaven. I sang Daniel with him and it 
was played just like Elton had enetered his body.  On second thought he might 
like that (rimshot) ....ahem.....Russel you are the BOMB. Good grief this guy 
has got to be given a spot at the next fest or the virgin goes into the 
volcanoe. Seriously folks this isnt a marginal deal. Clark Kent has got to be 
led to the phone boothe. Are you listening Coyote Rick at Casa Allegre ?? Do 
I hear M-E-C-C-A 2002 ???

I spent the rest of the time just listening and trying to get some time 
sharing conversation with various people for some time after that floating 
amongst the rooms. Fests are famous for little parties going on in each room 
and you are always welcome at any or all.  At some point I felt this 
exhaustion coming on and I tried to leave but Mike Paz hunted me down in the 
hall and forced me at bazooka point back into the house to play some more. We 
went to the back room and everyone was sitting in quiet mode as different 
people played. Victor did one of his songs, Gregg did an amazing song that he 
wrote I think, Yael did a song. Its all blurry. I do remember seeing Hell on 
the couch and someone handed me a guitar. Michael and I did Long Time Gone I 
did a Stephen Stills song 4&20 for her and its always nice to keep a promise. 
Hells a huuuuge CSNY fan and I told her if she ever came to a fest I would do 
a Stills song for her. 

Somehow I managed to escape the magnetic field tracktor beam that surrounded 
the house and I floated back home at the end of this perfect day. There was 
still tomorrow.

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