I'm going to label this njc because by now, I guess it
is, and we wouldn't want to offend those njc'ers,
would we (or maybe we would, come to think of it!)

I'm really enjoying the posts on the fest from other
people's points of view.  It's great to see from
different angles and yet, we are so alike in many

Marcel, your posts cracked me right up - your
description of the New England (or Mass. anyway) roads
system was bang on.  (Est-ce que vous parlez
francais?) There was something really weird that I
couldn't put my finger on until you mentioned it - the
fact that there's no reflective paint or anything to
guide you ON and OFF the main highways!  Sometimes I
attribute this stuff to my own on-and-off-again
ditziness, or shitty eyesight and not-so-great night
vision (Kerry and Steve and Les are probably groaning,
"Oh, NOW she tells us!") but up here in the good old
province of Ontario, we have all these road markers
and even though I STILL hate driving at night here,
I'm not quite as worried about ending up in a ditch. 
(I know when you're in a new place, no matter HOW well
the roads are marked, it's still hard, esp. when it's

I am SO glad I chose not to drink any alcohol! (or
maybe it would have helped!) I had visions of the
state troopers pulling me over to the side and my
ending up in jail (or the stocks/pillory, whatever)
and then maybe being deported as an undesirable alien
and never being allowed back into the USA!)

So happy to read these posts about Friday and Sunday
(because I was only there in the church Saturday from
about 3 p.m. on when I finally dragged my sorry ass
along).  Sounds like Atty May's was a bit of a bummer
- that's too bad - maybe we should do a beach party
thing next year (if the weather is good!)  (Notice I
say "we" - if it kills me, I'm going next year, and
I'm getting there earlier and staying later - I don't
want to miss anything!)

I'm thinking about renting a house for a week or so
near the beach if that's feasible - my family used to
do that in the summer when I was a kid - we'd be in
the Old Orchard Beach/Saco/Biddeford area for the
first two weeks in August every year for many years
(my family is originally from Montreal and that's one
of the places good Montrealers, both English and
French, used to go and probably still do).  I LOVE New
England (despite its road system).

Also, thanks to those who mentioned names that I had
forgotten - I remembered the singing, but couldn't
remember the names - like Kay Ashley (what a voice!)
and Amy, and Russ-I-think-I-called-you-Ross, with his
BEEE-YOO-TI-FUL piano playing (and you have to watch
his hands when he plays -that's a treat in itself!) 
If I didn't mention anyone's name or what you sang,
it's only because my brain can only take so much of

I'm in a bit of a penurious state right now, so,
whether I make it next year or not, probably depends
on fortune as much as hard work - maybe I'll try a
spell ;)  As you probably have heard too many times
already, I finally managed to get my husband to move
out of the house a couple of months ago, but
unfortunately at present I seem to be stuck with
supporting him financially but am putting LOTS of
pressure on him to get off his ass and get a job and
start supporting himself, because my kids come first. 
It has been 4-5 years since he lost his job and all I
know is I would work at ANYTHING rather than having to
depend on ANYONE to support me, because I'm just too
friggin' proud to put myself in anyone's debt
(financially or emotionally) that way.  I would never
want to owe anyone that way.

I also had a bit of a health scare, but I think it's
going to be OK.  I had this iffy-looking mole (aka
"nevus") removed about 10 days before going to Boston,
and they took a fair chunk out of my left arm. 
Ironically, I had always hated that mole (Out, damn
spot!) but I figured they just kind of scooped 'em out
or cauterized 'em or something (they do if they're
small and it's just a cosmestic thing).

Anyway, yesterday, I went back and had my stitches
removed and the biopsy results.  The good news is, it
isn't cancer (melanoma, which sounds too pretty to be
cancer - it could be a girl's name).  However, it is
what they call "severly dysplastic" which means (as
the doc told me), it's "thinking about" turning into
cancer.  What that means is that in three more weeks,
I have to go back and have another piece carved out of
my arm to make sure all the bad stuff is removed.  I
shouldn't whine, but i just had the damn thing cut and
I'm really not looking forward to doing it again, but
will get myself steeled for it within the next few
weeks and hope THIS time they get all of it - I'm
starting to feel like a frickin' Christmas turkey, so
don't be surprised if I start gobbling.  Pass the
cranberry sauce, wouldya?

Some good news (for me anyway) is I've signed up for a
singing class which starts in a couple of weeks.  That
should be fun - I need to do something to get some
volume in my voice, which tends to be kind of reedy
and thin, so I can belt 'em out like Yael ;)

My classical guitar lessons start up again next week,
but I've reached this plateau and I'm getting a bit
discouraged.  I seem to be at the same level I was at
when I quit piano lessons way back when I was 12 and I
would probably give up, except that I want to see if I
can make it over this durned hump and at least get A
LITTLE bit further than I did in piano.  Of course,
now I want to play non-classical like all you big kids
- is there anyone out there who does classical AND
rock/pop/folk/whatever?  Does it make you feel kind of
split-personality-ish, or can the two of them blend

All this to say is that next year, Godwilling, I will
NOT forget my frickin' guitar-case key in my hotel
room and/or will borrow someone else's guitar, or
whatever, and I'll sing/play something (but probably
not on stage, unless I build up a lot of confidence
through these singing lessons and/or learn how to deal
with mikes, which I've never used before.)  The
practicing begins today (dammitall) and hope I don't
get sick of the song(s) too soon.

Thanks for hearing me out, people.  My spirits are
much better today than they've been for a while.

Oh yeah, by the way, I missed Anne Sandstrom's set
because I guess it happened before I got there, but I
have her CD and it is just so great.  You really must
get one if you don't have it.  And I've got Victor's
and now I want to get Gregg's.  when you go to
Jonifests, be prepared to bleed (but in a *good* way).
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