It's NO secret about the shrimp recipe, but I guess the Paz sandwich is "out
the bag", thank you very much. The marinated shrimp recipe is one I
conccocted a few years ago. Basically it is peeled and butterflyed shrimp
marianated in (preferably sour orange juice but minute maid works ok), lots
of fresh lime juice, lemon juice, and a special seasoning not available in
the US called Don Julio's Sal y Naranja Agria. You can fake this and just
make your own with Salt, Pepper, Cumin, and Lemon Pepper. Marinate all these
ingridients over night in a bowl and agitate frequently. Take shrimp out of
marinade and put them on a flat pan. Sprinkle more of the dry seasonings on
the shrimp coating them well. In the meantime melt REAL butter in a sauce
pan and add some of the marinade cooking slowly, you can also add some more
fresh lime juice here. Pitch the little buggers on a hot grill and baste
with the butter marinade. The shrimp really are already mostly cooked from
the acid in all the citrus so you can cook them as much as you like. I like
mine a little toast on the outside and tender inside. Try this same recipe
on lobster (it rocks!).



Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 14:13:01 -0500
From: "Donna J. Binkley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Paz's

Hey Bud!

I've been meaning to tell you, that shrimp appetizer at the fest was a
culinary orgasm.  May we have the recipe or is it a secret, like the famous
Paz sandwich?  Texas

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