First of all, I wanted to acknowledge the Joan for bringing us all together
in the first place.  When I first came to the list, it felt really strange
sharing her with other people.  I always thought of her as "my own," because
not many people I know liked her.  (what's wrong with my friends?)  Little
did I know that I would learn so much, deepen my appreciation for her music
(There are two Joni songs in particular that have taken on ENTIRELY new
meanings since the fest!), get to hear so many talented musicians who were
influenced by her and eventually experience the wildly unique happening
called Jonifest

Here's my "academy award" list:
Susan Guzzi - thanks for being so easy to talk to when I first got to the
fest and all day Saturday.  It was fun making our "beautiful women" list
Donna - you wild and wonderful woman.  Thanks for the whirlwind tour of
Boston and for the great fun we had.
Sharon, the bee charmer - What can I say?  You inspired lots of laughs,
(lots of laughs).  Thanks for your words of wisdom when I needed them most.
Lori - Another wonderful woman! It was fun laughing with you all the way to
Boston and back!  We'll have to study our history before we go next time,
Willy & Les - the first Joni people we met!  Wish I could have talked to you
more.  Next time!
Steve P. - Thanks for making my first experience with a man so painless.  (I
mean sharing a hotel room!)
Victor - I know we didn't get a chance to talk, but I admire your passion
for music.  I don't think I ever saw you without a musical instrument in
your hands.
Alison - You are wickedly funny! Keep rolling up that mini-skirt.  :>)
Marcel - Music is the universal language.  When you were singing and I
closed my eyes, I couldn't tell if you were a democrat or republican. ;>)
Mags and Brian - More people I wish I could have talked to more...I'm glad I
met you and thanks so much for the ride to our motel on the last night!
Ashara, Ashara, Ashara - Thanks for making this all happen.  You don't know
this but I'm still in your basement typing away at a laptop, waiting for
everyone to come back.
Yael - Anyone who likes Harold and Maude is instantly my bud.  Loved your
Kay - I'm glad I got to hear you, both in Ashara's living room and on stage!
Great music!
Jimmy - Thanks for the dances and hugs.  You're a wonderful man.
Bob Muller - Sorry, not changing teams any time soon....but you can always
count on me to pinch your butt.
Catherine - I'll never forget getting lost with you in the wilds of
Massachusetts.  I wish you could have stayed longer!  (I know you do too)
Kate & Jeff - Loved finally hearing you play.  You're both extremely
talented musicians.
Jody - I finally meet a midwesterner and you're leaving!  Not fair!
Paz -  A truly talented man on that guitar and you make it look so easy.
Also not fair!
And Finally, Hell - My Kiwi Kindred Spirit.  I know we'll be friends a long,
long, time.

To all the musicians: I said this before, but one by one you got up on that
stage and amazed me.  I was afraid to leave the room in case I would miss
I have never been to a better music festival!  (and we have one of the
biggest in the world right here in Milwaukee).  Thanks everyone!

I think this is the longest post I've ever written!

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