> fascinating, colin, about how street friends were solicitous to your welfare;
> it made me think of some  elder statesmen among A.A...

i see what you mean. I have always thought it strange, and the more powerful for
it, that these people were the walking wounded, selling themselves, drinking,
drugging etc but the still had it in them to protect me and keep me from the path
they had taken. of course at the time, i was too young, immature, naive and
confused to understand it. It is only when the dust sttled for me, that i began to
see how much love I was given back then.
This is an amsuing example of how naive I was:

I had been hanging around going to various clubs etc and it was late. Gloria had
arranged to meet me on a corner in Piccadilly to take me to where we would crash
for the night. It was about 3am and here I was standing on this corner in
piccadilly when a polic car pulled up. Two policemen got out and came over to me
to question me as to what i was doing. 'I am waiting to be picked up', I
innocently replied.
Even they knew I was naive and suggested next time, I choose a different place to
wait. I often think my accent, posh, got me thru a lot in those days! I was once
in ahouse where drug dealing was happening(there were also weapons). It was
raided. Everone, bar me was arrested. i was told to leave and be carful where I
got lead in future.

Grace indeed.

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