For the first time we have two winners in the Covers contest...will Mr. Blair 
Fraipont and Mr. Brian Symes please come up and accept their awards? Probably 
would be a better idea for youse guys to just e-mail me a mailing address, 
and I'll get your FREE copies of Covers, Volume 21 in the mail this week.

Cangrats, and thanks to ALL who gave it a shot. Lots of guesses this time 
'round, which made me happy. If you didn't win, but want a copy, let me know 
and we'll make it happen.

BTW, my song was inspired by the Jonifest. I chose "Not To Blame" from 
Turbulent Indigo as Les Ross' performance was one of the most heartfelt & 
moving performances I've ever seen. 


NP: Ani, "Marrow"

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