>  weird or what?
>  Willy the shake-well I always thought he was Malyasian! Either he isn't
>  or the food made him pale......
>  Rose-don't take this wrong but I always thought you were much older!
>  Kate-you look just as I assumed you'd look.
>  Brian you have lost weight and Mags has lost hair.
>  Kakki-you too look like you lost weight.  >>

I didn't see anything insulting here.  In fact, I'd be thrilled
to be told I'd lost weight, and Mags has indeed chopped lots of
hair off. 


> Colin is just loaded with compliments as usual. It must be dark in there 
> where his head is located.

Mmm, that's insulting. 

> Marcel. who has been forcefiully begged to not send anything to Mr. 
> Personality.

Forcefully? Repeatedly is closer to the truth, surely? 

Me? I didn't think you were as good a musician as you are.  And you
looked pretty much as I expected.  

So, er, what's the big deal? 


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