Richard Goldman wrote:

> Tonight, Wednesday, I went to the San Francisco Symphony, Michael
> Tilson Thomas, conducting (what would have been last nights
> programme, but . . was cancelled), Mahler's "Tragic" Symphony #6.
> How appropos.
> Before the performance, he spoke, and said with all due respect and
> honor for the victims of the devastating tragedies in our country,
> musicians across the country must and will continue to make music,
> for its power to remind us all of our human connection: the great
> power of music.
> THen he led the orchestra in the National Anthem, as we all stood,
> and remained standing for a long few minutes of silence, before he
> began the magnificent Mahler's 6th.
> In the spirit of this thread, I thought I would add this experience I
> had tonight.


I knew Michael when I sang with Schola Cantorum and he was the director of the
Buffalo Philharmonic. He is a wonderful man. Thank you for sharing.

np: Cher - Love Can Build a Bridge

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