<<Being relatively new to the list, I'd like to know why so many people dislike it?>>

Without going into too much detail Laurent, I'll say that I think she allowed herself 
to get sucked in to some production that didn't bring out the best in her songs. Some 
great songs got buried and lost in studio gimmickry.

Also, the songs she co-wrote with Klein forced her to pair music to a lyrical 
structure she was not used to. She comments in interviews that Klein writes in much 
choppier word structure than she does, and some of the songs feel that "force".

But I don't throw out the dog with the bathwater. DED has some marvelous moments, and 
some great songs that Joni recasts in an unplugged fashion on other recordings which 
showcases their greatness.


NP: The Who, "A Quick One, While He's Away"

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