Sorry folks, but this is stuff is bullshit.
What's next, references to the WTC disaster in the
Bible code?
Gimme a break!

A more likely coincidence with dates and numbers is
that the Camp David peace accord was signed on
9/11/78. This was reported on the news on Tuesday, but
I haven't heard reference to it since.

- ----- ----- -----
In the City of God there will be a great thunder,  
Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, 
while the fortress endures, 
the great leader will succumb,
"The third big war will begin when the 
big city is burning on the 11th day of the 9th month
that two metal birds would crash into two tall statues
in the new city...and the world will ed soon after"
- - Nostradamus 1654
two brothers = WTC Towers
fortress = Pentagon
great leader = Bush or USA
big city / new city = New York
The flights that were Highjacked were numbered as
11 = 11 September
9+3 = 12 September
1+7+5 = 13 September
7+7 = 14 September
Hopefully this is a coincidence and the terrorists
can't add, 
but if this is corect there will either be acts of
every day for the next few days of a grand event on
the last day.
9.11.01 - Tragic day; not only is 911 scary enought
but 01 is the 
code for the Middle East.
Take a look at two Flights:
81 Passengers
9 Flight Attendants
2 Pilots
8+1 = 9
9+2 = 11
56 Passengers
7 Flight Attendants
2 Pilots
5+6 = 11
7+2 = 9
911 inverted

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