At the funeral of Winston Churchill, one of his favourite hymns was played.
His mother Jenny was American, and he was a fond student, and a skilled
one, of american history, researching even about the author of this hymn.
The hymn should not be taken as an excuse for unjust jingoism, but rather
a rallying cry for those who feel battered by the recent events, a confidence
that ultimately good will triumph someday, and this goodness is not any
one nation or groups private domain. That being said, a certain amount
of patriotism is a necessary requirement to have a healthy society. I feel
I can promote this because I'm a Canadian who has an American mother
and have lived many years in the United States. Sometimes mistakes were
made against people such as the poor in latin america. To sing a hymn
like this isn't to ignore that, but that it is right to love and serve your
country, if you hope that your country is maintaining its commitment to
democratic values. This site below also movingly puts us in touch with
those who have gone before this case with the union army. My
great grandfather lost his leg at gettysburg. There have been horrors in
the past, but like the ancient chinese calligraphy...the same word for
danger also means opportunity. I think there's opportunity to turn back
to our loving God, for example...
remembering the past helps us to meet the present and future with
renewed hope...and confidence...
Lady Julian of Norwich said that ultimately, "All shall be well, and all
manners of things shall be well..."

Any ways, here is the Battle Hymn of the Republic site:

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