Shane wrote:

> Lady Julian of Norwich said that ultimately, "All shall be well, and all
> manners of things shall be well..."

which made me think of a dance we do in Sacred Circle Dance. The song is
based on this saying, and what better time to think of it. The yellow
daffodil coming through the snow makes me think of the hope we all must have
for this country to get back on it's feet, coming up through the dust. Thank
you, Shane for reminding me of this.


Loud are the bells of Norwich , and the people come and go.
Here by the town of Julian, I tell you what I know.

Chorus: Ring out, Bells of Norwich, and let the winter come and go.
        All shall be well again, I know.

Love like the yellow daffodil is coming through the snow.
Love like the yellow daffodil, it touches all I know.


Ring for the yellow daffodil, a flower in the snow.
Ring for the yellow daffodil, and tell them what I know.


Final Chorus:  All shall be well, Ibm telling you,
             Let the winter come and go.
             All shall be well again, I know.


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