In a message dated 9/13/01 9:43:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  In the wrecked state that so many of us are in, you cannot imagine how 
much it means to read these sweet posts of support from those of you on the 
list from Canada, U.K., New Zealand, Ireland and other countries.  >>

I felt that way -- once again -- when I read the post below from my friend 
Sarah in Australia. Some of you may recall that I posted something to the 
list about Sarah when she sold her Boston condo -- after living there for two 
decades -- and moved to Australia recently. I drove her to her Logan airport 
a month before the hijackings for the first leg of her journey to Sydney -- a 
flight (shudder) from Boston to LA. The "comments from everyone" she refers 
to are some posts about the attack from this list which I found particularly 
powerful and took the liberty of forwarding to her. 

Here's what Sarah wrote today:

Thanks for your comments and the comments from everyone -- wow.  Ironically, 
the event happened just after I transferred from the hotel to my little 
studio, hence no TV.  But I've been religiously reading the excellent 
coverage in the Sydney Morning (and special editions of the) Herald.  It's 
all anyone's writing about and talking about on air -- this world crisis and 
what may ensue.

My TV watching has been done only at the convenience store with Ali, a few 
hours a day.  No kidding, everyone here is completely obsessed: John Howard, 
the Prime Minister, (along with so many others, as you mentioned) has pledged 
support in any way possible.  There have been record numbers of Sydney blood 
donations; lines at the Town Hall of people writing condolences and making 
donations of all kinds to be sent; there was even mention of two little boys 
who donated their favorite teddy bears, since they were too 
young to write; Australian flags are flying at half-mast including the two on 
the Harbor Bridge; the Salvation Army is even setting up grief-counseling 
sessions and many are attending.  Every one gets how big this is and that it 
has and will hugely affect all of us.

Yeah, and pretty amazing that two of those planes originated from Logan and 
that they were bound for LA, holy crap.  I wonder if I knew anyone on those 
planes.  I'm so proud of those guys who organized a bunch of hostages, took 
on the terrorists and diverted that fourth plane to PA.

Anyway, I'm here, keeping up to date as much as possible, and, of course, 
crying and praying that the current US administration and the world rises in 
a stellar way to this challenge.

Wish you were here.



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