Well said, Mags.  Everyone has their own way of
dealing with things, and no one should even try to
tell others how they *should* react.  Silence does not
imply consent.

--- Mags <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> and sometimes good people do nothing because there
> is already too much pain
> in their personal life to take on more. Please
> Colin. Dont think I dont care.
> Mags.
> colin wrote:
> >  With reference to those who choose to remain
> silent when obivou abuse is
> > happening, where ever that may be.
> >
> > 'evil flourishes because good people do nothing'
> --
> And this loving is a drawing close,
> a tuning in, an opening.
> Until one perfect moment;
> but how can it be expressed?
> A receiving, an enfolding
> as I cradle you in my arms.
> Within my heart, within my soul,
> You are my true love.
>      --Lui Collins
> ---
>                   _~O
>                  / /\_,
>                ___/\
>                    /_
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