Travis called me a few minutes ago to tell me to turn on the CBC.
They were showing film from the service in Ottawa today.  I was so
touched.  And then they cut to someone singing 'America the Beautiful'
at the service in the US today and the dam finally broke.  I sobbed.
I still have tears in my eyes.  I hope I can get past this now and get
on with the healing.

We all need to muster every bit of courage and hope we have.  I've
been feeling awful ever since Tuesday morning, feeling very depressed,
afraid and angry.  It's time to get past that now.  Time to go

I really was thinking of unsubbing yesterday.  I spent from the time I
got home til about 8 pm just sitting here reading email and hurting.
Hurting from the pain and loss so many of us suffered and hurting from
the pain some were inflicting on each other.  But by the time I
finished, the tide had turned.  People began to realize that we were
all emotionally overwrought and words spoken in anger were sincerely
repented and regretted.  Today after reading Kay Ashley's post,
reading about Debra Shea's ordeal, reading Anne Sandstrom's good news,
looking at Nuriel's greeting cards and feeling all of the outpouring
of support from all of you, I am so glad I did not act rashly.  I
would miss you all so dreadfully if I couldn't go to the computer and
read your words and feel your support.

In all honesty I don't think there was anything that anyone said that
was going to make Marcel change his ways.  Marcel seems to have an
over-riding need to believe that he is right - always right.  I just
don't see him changing.  I got to where I deleted his political
diatribes unread.  I think I probably did that with one or two private
emails as well.  I did read his last post and could only shake my head
at his lame attempts to blame the Clintons for our present woes.  But
it didn't surprise me in the least.  He didn't really bother me much
personally.  Usually if I didn't respond to him, I didn't hear from
him again.  I'm sorry other people weren't so lucky.  Sometimes he
wrote beautifully about Joni & music and his Jonifest posts were
wonderful.  But I just couldn't stomach his blind arrogance.  I really
hate for anybody to be exiled from the list but I honestly think Les
did the right thing.

I feel I need to apologize for the dark nature of my posts in recent
days.  This afternoon at work as I sat at my computer, unable to
concentrate or get anything done I started to wonder if I was losing
my mind.  I felt that drained and depressed.  But I think I'm past it
now.  I will try to be better at being positive and joining in the
spirit that others have shown here of hope and belief in the basic
goodness of human beings.  Didn't Anne Frank say something about that?
A good lesson to us all.

At 12:30 this afternoon, Seattle observed a moment of silence.  Some
of us gathered outside our building and a coworker led us in the
Pledge of Allegiance and in singing 'America the Beautiful'.  Sirens &
horns then rang out over Elliott Bay and we all stood in silent prayer
& reflection.  Then another coworker rang a bell and we went back to
work.  Tonight at 7pm pst I lit a candle and put it in the front

Thank you all for every personal story and every word of hope and
encouragement from all of our friends all over the planet.  I don't
want to leave this caring community even though I sometimes feel like
I'm slipping further & further into the fringes of it.  I hope Michael
Paz comes back soon.  The man has a huge heart and a noble & beautiful
spirit.  We are diminished by his absence.  The same goes for you,
Dulson.  Steve is one of the kindest & nicest souls I have ever
encountered.  Come back soon, you guys.  We need you both.

Peace & Love to You All

Mark E

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