In a message dated 15/09/01 05:12:45 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< I am a pacifist, not a popular thing to be these days.  My wayward son
 and father of my grandson Gage, my son Jeremy with whom I have long been
 estranged, is a Marine.
 Harry Fosdick wrote the words to a hymn "God of Grace and God of
 Glory."  It is a bit Christocentric and many here are not Christians and
 that is ok, I would never believe that the way that I know God is the
 only way to know God.  So if you read though the Christ/church language
 and put it in a form that works for you in knowing God, or whatever the
 experience of something greater than us is for you,  I share this with
 you. >>

As a non-Christian, I say Amen to that Vince.  They are wonderful words.  And 
how right you are about how isolating it is to be a pacifist.  I get really 
worried about the bellicose talk that is springing up now (both here in 
England and, from what I read, in the USA) about bombing X, Y or Z to 
buggery.  Like that's going to help one bit.  I truly believe it can only 
make things worse, and hope that wiser counsel will prevail, even if it is 
only for the purely pragmatic reason that bombing more people is more likely 
to strengthen the resolve of the next generation of suicidal psychopaths than 
to cow them.

Azeem in London

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