Dear Wally, my beloved one,
and dear Ashara, our LADY,

it was so good to listen to your friendly voice(s)
 - then -,
and I enjoyed many of the Joni-Fest-messages down the JMDL - then.
And last Tuesday - watching that horror scenario on German tv -, some friend
phoned and asked me: What do you think, what do you feel?
And I answered: I cannot and I do not want to talk about IT- that insanity.
And even days later - avoiding endless discussions (at work) about: How do
you feel? Who is guilty, who is to blame? - I am speechless - in a way.
I  feel for those who have to cope with this tragedy, to endure the loss of
loved ones - the real horror.

If patriotism means sticking together, trying to help, simply being there
for one another - then I4m all for it,
but patriotism leading to hatred and revenge, watching CNN4s coverage: The
New War, I AM LOST, I feel so helpless.
Is there only one to blame ... Bin Laden?
Is he the GUILTY ONE?
Who is going to suffer - (again)?
Killing innocent human beings (in Afghanistan) as some sort of revenge? And
is another world war  - the third one - REALLY THE FULFILLMENT OF
NOSTRADAMUS4 Words, I read down the JMDL?

And is it a SIGN of the times to react right now?

Or is it the everlasting truth of that novel, Nathan der Weise, the novel of
the German poet: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, he wrote in the 18th century -
about the 3 world religions: The three believes - or the three great
stimulants: Tbe Jewish, the Islamic and the Christian?
Although they have so much in common - they all reveal the signs and
catastrophies of monotheism?

Way back - (1945) one chapter of world history closed its pages: never -
ever - ,
and years later - shortly  afterwards - Israel and the Palestenians,
they started another (a new page?) page of history?

Them or the (former) occupants?

here we go again,
WHO IS GUILTY???????????????
Some form/sort of religion?
Really I do not know, but, give me (whoever/whatever) strength to carry on!

And is it my naive believe -
THAT -at least and at last- we are all human beings, living on this planet,
believing in whatever,

Yes, it4s hard,
thank you all - especially here, there and everywhere - down the JMDL - for
all your comfort:
Yes, you are one of a kind....!

There are some of you I4d simply like to hug,

Love and PEACE - HELGA

(and of course - please forgive a German trying to put down some English -
yes, if there was one language, we would understand each other, wouldn4t

Love - Wally, Ashara, Colin, Garret, Alison, Catherine, Rose, Karin, John
van T., Brian, Steve from the isle of sky,  and to those, I forgot to
mention  YOU ARE SPECIAL ).
but I like AND I do love all of you - in a way.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Wally Kairuz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:04 PM
Subject: in shock

> i am speechless. please, be safe and let us know how and where you all
> i have cancelled all my appointments for the day to be able to follow the
> news.
> all my love and support,
> wallyK

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