Oh dear Lord in Heaven!
I was hoping that this did not go any further than the 700 club broadcast I 
happened onto to day before yesterday. I watched Pat say something similar 
and was horrified. Guys, I used to work for this organization as a crisis 
counselor. What you are seeing is called a "religious spirit" or 
"religiosity." It is where someone feels the need to act as judge and jury 
for God. Please understand that God doesn't always need this kind of help. He 
is much more sensitive and compassionate to those whose hearts are breaking 
and sorrowful. He has His own unique and omnipotent way of dealing with the 
human heart without breaking it or crushing it. According to the Christian 
faith, in the Old Testament, He did have prophets which he sent to warn the 
people of a certain land or nation about a coming judgment. However, those 
prophets were put through God's crucible of purification before they were 
allowed to utter a single word. Their hearts were tested and tried like fire 
before they were allowed to "speak for God."  Prophets were also used because 
at the time, that was the only way God could or would communicate with His 

I deeply apologize for the hurt and the anger these words have caused.  I say 
this because I have worked on the set with Pat Robertson and I know this man. 
All I will say about that is that one must search his or her own heart before 
passing judgment on others. God hates a hypocrite. Look at Billy Graham. He 
always cuts to the point in his sermons, and though many feel may change 
their lives because of his words, he does not bring condemnation on anyone. 
He is just as much a man of God as anyone else, yet his words brought comfort 
and soothed the hearts of many of the bereaved of the nation. That is what I 
felt God really wanted. I have a feeling that Billy is grieved by these 
statements as well. 

My deepest apologies as one who shares the Christian faith.


In a message dated 09/14/2001 1:39:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 12:10:30 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Lori R. Fye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Our national tragedy -- and the unbelievable crap it breeds (NJC)
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A28620-2001Sep14.html
> Lori
> in MD

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