I just got WebMD chat and my head is reeling! (Please forgive me, I need to 
vent to sane people for a minute!)

I went to the "Mental Health" chatroom because I needed to be around other 
people who may have been feeling out of sorts like I have been since these 
awful attacks.

In spite of our problems and differences, JMDL is the best list in the world. 
At least there is some sense of sanity here.

While I was trying to talk about my feelings, another poor fellow was already 
in conversation and needed someone to talk to. His wife died 3 months earlier 
with an embolism. He had the sadness of finding out that she was seeing 
someone else and was planning on leaving him right before this happened. Even 
still, his last words were only loving to her. Then this "person" started 
saying things like, "Man! There are a bunch of "f.....ing" whineyasses up 
here today." (She later claimed she had a civil hour chat with him prior to 
my arrival) Now, maybe I'm wrong, but that's not exactly conducive to me 
wanting to tell you my heartfelt secrets! The four of us collectively tried 
to open a private chat room, but could not. So we moved to the Cancer chat 
room as no one was there. This same person followed us and began harassing us 
in that room as well. She left and what we thought was the moderator came in. 
We were relieved! We asked the moderator to help us get to a private chat 
room. When we thought we were there, the "moderator" took us on what is 
affectionately called a "train ride." We were connected to her, so wherever 
she went, we went. The poor fellow was so upset, he left. The sad part is 
that he was talking about feeling like dying. 

I went back about an hour ago in hopes I could find him again, and that same 
person was there. I asked her why, as a moderator, she did such a thing. I 
was told that I could not save the world, and it was not my responsibility if 
someone wanted to "off" themselves. I was floored! Then this innocent person 
started asking for help. I told her no one would help her here. (I'm sorry, I 
would have done it again) After telling me that I couldn't save the world, 
all of a sudden, I was the bad guy, because the lady left. (It couldn't have 
been that the moderator was telling someone to go kill themselves-it 
supposedly was her playing a joke with someone else) The whole thing was 
very, very sick. I reported it to WebMD.

Guys, is it just me, or are all chats this disturbed?


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