Dear all,
thanks to Rose I have found a much simpler solution so that I can access
those messages myself (namely via the archives, 
I am very grateful, also for the other reply I've already received in such
short time, offering to "play censor".  I must say, I was a bit red cheeked
asking for such a big favour, and I'm so glad to see the friendly responses
I've received.
So even if you don't hear from me again for a while, I will be there,
reading and sharing your thoughts and information.
Hoping somehow to keep in touch, with all my best wishes,

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Reckers, Lieve 
        Sent:   Monday, September 17, 2001 12:32 PM
        To:     '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
        Subject:        desperately looking for...

        Yes, desperately looking for a JMDL digest-er with a kind heart and
a bit of time.  I'll explain in a minute, but first of all I should probably
introduce myself again.  
        I am an big Joni Mitchell fan based in London.  I bought my first
Joni album as a schoolgirl when I still lived in Belgium in 1970, but I
really re-discovered her music in much more depth in the last year and am
now spreading the word (ok, her music) with a missionary zeal as much as I
can by making tapes or lending CDs to friends.  
        I posted to the list once before in June, but probably still qualify
as a lurker.  I've been reading the digests for months and have got so much
positive information out of it, and also I felt quite close to some of you
through your postings, especially the latest Jonifest postings.  The only
reason for my passive lurkdom is simple lack of time.  I only have a PC at
work, so my access is limited in time, and all I can do is read the digests,
so however tempting it sometimes is to "jump in", usually I don't.  Now my
access has been even more limited by our IT department, and that is the
reason for my plea for help.
        They've installed this program which checks all external e-mails for
certain "profane or unprofessional" words, supposedly to stop us being
bothered by unwelcome soliciting.  But the result is that out of the latest
40 or so digests, I've only received 3, the rest have been banned!  You can
imagine how bereft I feel!
        So I was hoping to find somebody who is also on the digest list, who
could forward to me those digests that I don't receive (I get a system
message each time a message is blocked, so I know there was one!).  This
person would need to first delete (or abbreviate, so I still know what's
being said) any words that may have offended my Big Brother system.
        So yes, I'm in fact asking if someone could censor those messages
for me!  A very sad situation, but I don't know what else to do!
        I would be extremely grateful and will of course try to return the
favour (copying some music or getting hold of books that may only be
available in the UK, for instance) as much as I can!
        I'd love to hear from you and in any case, my very best regards to
all of you, you're such a great bunch and I hope I can stay in touch, maybe
even be less of a lurker and, time permitting, be more of a contributor one


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