The Top 20 Bad Romance Novel Metaphors or Similes

20. His body was hard, not hard like Milosevic, the Serbian strongman, but
like the marble on your shower floor, when
you fall and bang your knee.

19. Her shoulders heaved like the tiny sobs of Snuggles the catbeing run
through with a roasting spit.

18. Her embrace made his manhood swell like week old road-killon hot
asphalt in
the Georgia sun.

17. Her petticoats dropped to the ground, rustling like a cockroachin a sugar

16. As she kissed her way down his manly chest, he felt his Amalgamated Crane
Company stock increasing in value.

15. Beatrice was on him like a piranha on a corn dog.

14. ...then he kissed her, like a butterfly kisses the windshield of a Porsche
on the Autobahn.

13. Her breasts heaved like a stormy ocean, and her pointed nipples were like
hypodermics washed up on the shore.

12. With his broad shoulders and slim waist, he was a yield sign -- yet she
could NOT!

11. He tore open her blouse like a Publisher's Clearing House letter in which
he, and some guy named Steven Bouber from Stockton, California, were potential
finalists for the ten million dollar prize.

10. His manhood stood at full attention, stiff and stony like the vice

9. Sleekly malevolent, driven by a violent hunger, Donovan glided through the
chum-filled waters of the singles bar, oblivious to the remora of Annabelle's
adoring gaze.

 8. Like the wind, she ran, her breasts lurching like a motor boat over a
and then, as fluid as a fine imported transmission, she whipped out her
man-organ and pissed away his dreams.

 7. Her sun-glazed back formed a golden arch as he moved his face toward her
happy meal.

 6. With each breath, her chest heaved like a bulimic after Thanksgiving

 5. He Beatty-ed her shamelessly, making her squeal like Ned and hallucinate
like Warren.

 4. He awoke my slumbering womanhood with his double tall loin latte.
"Starbuck!" I cried.

 3. His chest was her pillow, and oh, did she drool.

 2. Claire felt swept away by this dark stranger, a helpless dust bunny in the
roaring cacophony of his gas-powered leaf blower.

 and the Number 1 Bad Romance Novel Metaphor or Simile...

 1. His finger, weathered and rough from years on the ranch, danced in and out
of his nose like a slimy ballerina.

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