my uncle served as a career officer in the Candian Armed Forces, starting as a
tank commander in korea but proceeding, on account of his many decorations to
military intelligence and then economic intelligence. i have thought, where is
the logic in this matter of hiring snakes for espionage?
i've heard commentators, guests, and journalists all say  the intelligence
services have to hire snakes, criminals etc. to find the 'rat' terrorists in
their holes...
i would like them to prove that a man of integrity and honesty actually cannot
do a better role as a spy...he's more trustworthy isn't he? and isn't trust
crucial to success? its like their saying you can hire the wicked and not
expect to get burned...didn't they hire bin laden at first...did that do any
good?...haven't they hired good men who were the most effective in
infiltrating organized crime...good fbi officers who were risking their very
lives as well as their marriages and families? and they unveiled the whole
inside of the mafia...whom can you trust to believe, an honest spy or a liar?
   where is the logic that hiring a wicked man will advance your cause or help
you better reach your objective? were the death squads in el salvador
advancing u.s. goals more effectively than scotland yard?...come off it, and
get it straight before we repeat the same mistakes we did with bin laden - all
over again!

shane mattison

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