My heart's with you, Joseph. So many people here are suffering now it's
hard to find comfort. One of my co-workers lives on Long Island and was
talking about how 70 people who worked at Cantor Fitzgerald lived in the
town next to his. They are all presumed dead. In another town 30 people
who worked in the towers are missing. Living on Long Island as you do,
I'm sure you are hearing what feels like a never ending litany of names
of people who are now gone. 

You mention the need to talk to someone about this. I urge you to do
that, whether it's sending messages to this list or talking to whoever
you're with or seeking  counseling. At my workplace a notice was sent to
each of us with information on private counseling for anyone who needed
to talk. There are notices posted in my neighborhood about drop-in
counseling at a church nearby. I keep the numbers for both with me in
case I need such counseling myself. Perhaps there are similar options
where you are. 

In the meantime please send your stories to the list, or to me privately
if you're not comfortable talking to the entire list. There have been
some kind and encouraging words from list members about the value of
sharing experiences, not only for the storyteller but also for the
reader who's "listening". So, talk... in whatever form you can manage.

with you in your search for peace and healing,

Debra Shea

joseph tischner wrote:
> The feelings are all so similar. I don't have the least bit of desire to be
> in my office conducting business as usual. I don't want to fly; I don't want
> to take the subway; I don't want to do much else other than grieve.
> I don't know; I'm feeling like I'm gonna have to talk to somebody. Soon.
> I've spent a lot of time in various churches in Chicago and yesterday at
> home, but I'm not feeling much better. They say time heals, but our future
> is so uncertain that thinking about all the possibilities makes me even more
> uneasy.

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