I seem to be moving fast from a lurker to a chatter.  Oh, if only I had the
But just reading through some recent digests, I felt I had to post this.
People were asking about Jeff Buckley, and several ones mentioned being fans
of Tim, his father.  Now one of the reasons why I lurked for so long on JMDL
without contributing, as I said was lack of time, especially as I am already
on a Tim Buckley discussion list (called Starsailor) and I wanted to stay
loyal to that commitment.  Anyway, I feel I have to share this info with
you.  (If you are a JM purist, jump straight to point 5, which talks about
1) Yes, Jeff Buckley's 1994 album Grace is wonderful, sublime.  Since his
tragic death in 1997 his popularity has continued to rise, also in Europe
where there is quite a Jeff Buckley cult.  (It does help that he was also a
very very pretty boy...)  There are several good Jeff Buckley internet sites
to check out.
2) His father Tim released 9 or so albums in about the same number of years
before he died at the age of 28 in 1974.  His output is amazing, and
developed from folk to jazzy experimental and funk.  There are again some
very good web sites, let me just mention
http://www.geocities.com/jzero2149/TimBuckleyandFriendsindex.html.  I have
no time to look up the others but if you're interested, have a look, it's
quite easy, e.g. the Tim Buckley Archives.
3) There is a recent biography of both Jeff and Tim Buckley, called Dream
Brother by David Browne, it is still quite easily available.
4) There will be a Tim Buckley tribute concert in the Royal Festival Hall in
London on Wednesday 26 September.  Anybody who wants to make it should still
be able to get tickets.  Maybe see you there?
5) And finally, a connection with Joni!  I realised myself that there were
many similarities between Joni and Tim Buckley (their high output, their
strong independence and personal style, their musical evolution from folk to
jazz influences, their use of the voice as an instrument...) and when I
mentioned this on the Starsailor list, I was told there was actually a
section called Blue ... Blue Afternoon
(http://www.geocities.com/jzero2149/BlueBlueAfternoon.html) making exactly
the same comparison on the Room 109 site (another site dedicated to Tim
Buckley, named after one of his songs).
So do check it out!

Hey ho, it's back to work for me now!


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